Dobson and Hodge’s Associate Director Ailsa Watson started the #516Challenge on 1st January 2018 which saw her aiming to run 1016 miles throughout 2018 with her intention being to raise funds for the Eve Merton Dreams Trust –
Ailsa explains that “Eve’s Trust are a fantastic Doncaster based charity who fund ‘Dreams’ for children suffering from various forms of cancer. The reason I wanted to help this particular charity is because they provide a little window of happiness for the children that they help, and their family, in what must be a particular stressful and traumatic time in their young lives”.
Early in the year things went well but holidays and injuries meant she fell a little behind target! Undeterred, she slogged it out and whilst needing to run 40 miles each week for the last 3 weeks of the year (39 miles in the last 5 days!) she reached her goal on New Year’s Eve – even managing to run one extra mile for the Queen! Her efforts also saw her competing in the Harewood House and Hull Half Marathons along with the Great North Run.
As at 9th January 2019 she has hit her fundraising target of £1000 (which pays for 2 ‘Dreams’) however she is now closing in on raising £1,500 which would provide for 3 dreams – something she says would be “just fantastic!”
Ailsa goes on to say that “People have been extremely kind and generous which I am very grateful for – I had the easy bit of just keeping on running. I am now currently looking at different ways that we can continue to support this charity so watch out for further updates!”
Well done to Ailsa from all at Dobson and Hodge for her determined effort throughout 2018.
If you would like to donate to the Eve’s Trust through Ailsa’s sponsorship page, you can do so at