Human Table Football Championship – 3rd September 2017
Fancy having some fun whilst helping charities?
Last years winners, Dobson & Hodge Ltd, are challenging local businesses to come and compete at the 2017 tournament with the winners supported charities benefiting from funds raised. With more teams expected and a bigger tournament – come along and see if you can take the trophy from our grasp.
More details at
Changes to the State Pension
The State Pension is usually a key foundation to peoples retirement income – often representing many thousands of pounds per year. Despite this, many people do not know when they will be entitled to receive their State Pension, nor how much it will be worth.
Significant changes happen in April 2016 and therefore we feel that now is a good time to consider checking how much you will receive and when.
You can obtain a forecast yourself or, if you would like to see how we help our clients plan and then enjoy their retirement, please Contact Us.
Don’t ignore the Workplace Pension
Automatic Enrolment and Workplace Pensions are introducing significant legislation change and obligations on Employers.
Leaving it until the last minute may well cause problems and therefore planning ahead can help reduce the stress whilst helping to companies plan ahead and prepare properly.